Help logging in to DB Primary
If you are struggling to log in to DB Primary then please follow the steps below.
Staff- If you are a member of staff at a school then please try the steps below to help you get logged in. If you are still struggling to log in after following these steps then please contact the New Era support team on or 03334 559424.
Parents - If you are a parent of a child then please try the steps below to help you get logged in. If you are still struggling to log in after following these steps then please contact your school directly.
Please note that the New Era support team are unable to give out or reset usernames or passwords for any DB Primary user accounts.
Make sure you are at the correct login page for your school
On the DB login screen, you should always see your school’s name. If you cannot see your school name on the brown board between the parrot and the monkey, then you are on an incorrect login page for your school.

To find your school’s DB login portal, please check your school's website for a DB login button in the bottom right hand corner.
The portal address is also printed on the DB Primary login ‘passport’ your child was issued, showing their username and password.

If the school do not have a login button on their website and you do not have a login passport showing the portal address then please email with details of the school you are trying to log in to, your child’s name and their class, and we can email you the login portal address.
Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive
Usernames and passwords are character case-sensitive, so please ensure you observe this when typing in your login details.
If it says the account has been deactivated, then please contact the school directly and they will be able to reactivate the account for you.
Please note that a series of unsuccessful logins will result in the account being temporarily disabled.
Picture passwords
If your child uses a picture password to log in, then just type the username and press enter (or click the Login button), to be taken to the picture login screen. If you find that the picture grid is not appearing it will be because of 1 of 2 reasons:
1) You are not at the correct login screen for your school - please ensure it says your school name on the brown board between the parrot and the monkey
2) You have not typed the username in correctly - the picture grid will only appear once the username is typed in correctly

Please note that for security reasons the New Era support team will never issue new passwords to children and cannot give out passwords over the phone- this is something which must be done by the school.
If you are a parent and would like some additional help and guidance around how to use DB Primary then please click on the Parent Guide below.